Sr Mary Condon (Bon Secours) bends my ear...
I attended my first
AGM recently of Vocations Ireland at the
Emmaus Retreat Centre in Dublin and ended up with a job- on the National Executive, representing religious brothers. The Executive is composed of representatives from the different "types" of congregations of, e.g. contemplatives, missionaries, apostolic orders.
Vocations Ireland is an organisation which supports vocations directors and also promotes vocations to religious life. Over 100 religious orders are members. The Director is a
Loreto Sister, Sr Eileen
Vocations Ireland has a pretty good website. Take a look -
The New Vocations Ireland Executive: (left to right) Br Pat Lynch (Franciscan), Sr Gabrielle Fox (OLA), me, Sr Phyllis Moynihan (Mercy), Sr Mary Condon (Bon Secours), Sr Eileen Linehan (Loreto), Andrew O'Connell (our communications director).