“Anois teacht an Earraigh, beidh an lá ag dul chun síneadh. Is tar éis na féile Bríde, árdóigh mé mo sheol.” (Antoine Ó Raifteirí (1784-1835)). [Now that Spring is coming, the days will be getting longer. And after St Brigid's Day (1st February), I'll raise up my sail!]
February 1st is the feast of St Brigid - co patron of Ireland. Traditionally, it's also seen as the first day of Spring. That's particularly welcome this year after the dreadful winter we've had - floods, gales, frost and snow.
I spent most of the weekend in Cork where I attended the first AGM of the Presentation Brothers Schools Trust (PBST) in my capacity as Chairman of the Board of Management of Greenmount N.S. in Cork. I also spoke to third year students at Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh who are working on their Junior Certificate R.E. project. I also had a meeting with our Congregation Leader, Br Martin Kenneally. More about all of that later!