Hello everyone,
As you know Brother Ray who was the original "Blogging Brother" has been working as chaplain at Presentation College Bray for the last few months. I’ve now moved into the role of vocations director for the Presentation Brothers in Ireland and England so that means that I will be the new “Blogging Brother”! I’ll try to post regularly, I promise! My hope is that the blog will give folk an idea of what the life and vocation of a religious brother involves. I'll also try to post some discernment advice and tips. Naturally, anyone who wants to get in touch with me can reach me at vocation@PresentationBrothers.org
Here’s some information about me to kick-off:
I was born in the parish of Allihies on the Beara peninsula in the county of Cork and in the diocese of Kerry. I went to primary school there before attending secondary school with the Presentation Brothers in Cork city.
I did my degree in Arts (history and Irish) in University College Cork and then went on to study spirituality in Dublin.
I always had an interest in working with young people and from an early age I felt a call to religious life. The Presentation Brothers whom I had met in school really inspired me and I felt that I had a vocation to religious brotherhood.
I’ve worked in several ministries since I made my final profession. Here are some of the highlights:
• The
Give a Year to God programme in Cork city – a programme where men interested in discerning their vocation came to live for a year with the Brothers.
• Serving as a
teacher and principal at Presentation College Bray and Presentation Brothers College, Cork.
• Working for twelve years in
Ghana, including six years as the Province Leader for the West Africa Province.
In addition to working now as vocations director, I’m also a member of the
Congregation Leadership Team (CLT). The team consists of five brothers, elected at our chapter in 2011, who have responsibility for steering our congregation for the next six years.
It’s not all work - I love to relax by hill walking and listening to classical music. And I’m an Arsenal fan too.
I really enjoy being a Presentation Brother. It is a rich and a rewarding life. Yes, it has its challenges too – but that’s true of every way of life.
I hope and pray that God will gift me with many more years of life as a Presentation Brother!