Advent has reached its end! The waiting is over! As we look at the infant in the manger we are not only reflecting on a wonderful moment in history - we are also challenged to find room in our hearts for the birth of Christ. A night of sublime comfort and extraordinary challenge!
The blog of the Vocations Director of the Anglo Irish Province of the Presentation Brothers.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Monday, November 28, 2016
It's Advent!
Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent which is a reminder to
gather fir branches, holly and ivy for the Advent wreath.
Advent wreaths are usually the first Christmas decorations to
go up, followed by the Christmas tree.
People have already started to wish one another “Happy
Christmas”. But it’s not Christmas yet. The season of Advent has just begun – a
time of waiting and preparation in joyful hope and expectation.
Take a look at this 2 minute clip which explains what Advent
is all about...
Sunday, November 27, 2016
To West Africa and Back
(Thaddeus Jude, Ronald Anthony & John Mary)
I have returned from
a visit to our Brothers in West Africa. I joined them for their
three-day Province Chapter Assembly in Sunyani, a two hour drive from
the second largest city Kumasi in Ghana. The purpose of the gathering
was to prepare for the forth coming Chapter in Rome in April, 2017.
There were discussions on matters of relevance to the Province and
reports were made on the developments during the past six years.
Delegates were also elected to represent the Province at the
Congregation Chapter in April. I took time to visit our student
community in Sunyani where three Brothers are studying at the
Catholic University.
Following the
meeting, I travelled a day-long journey to the Upper East Region
where the Presentation Brothers have established a number of other
communities, our newest at Logre, close to the Sahara desert. I met
with friends and visited some of our ministries in the area. It was
great to witness the wonderful work and progress being made by the
Brothers since my departure in 2011.
I visited an
impressive completed and furnished Educational Outreach Centre (EOC)
building which includes a resource library, computer room with
laptops and multi-purpose hall. The EOC project exhibits a high level
of innovation in its aim to benefit not just the Presentation schools
at Logre but also the students, teachers and parents from other
participating local schools and communities in the area.
there, I also celebrated the Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the
Temple on November 21st in our community in Navrongo. The
wider Presentation Family joined us for the occasion and three young
men began their journey with the Brothers in a meaningful ritual on
this special day, all adding to the significance of a wonderful day
for the Province and the Congregation. Preparations were also in hand
for the Final Profession of Br. Franklin Bilipe on December 10th.
to my arrival in the North were students from Presentation College,
Bray. They undertook a ten-day immersion trip to Ghana during their
mid-term break. The students spoke passionately of their visit and it
was clear that the experience had a massive effect on all of them.
The students have captured their memories on our gallery page; Page. It was a very inspirational,
encouraging and life-giving visit.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
In November we Remember!
celebrate the feast of All Saints on November 1st
which reminds
that October 31 truly is All Hallows Eve. It is the beginning of the
last month in the Church’s
Year so we call on all the saints of all time to intercede for us
before the Lord. We have many saints in the Church calendar. The
Church devotes the month of November to prayer for our loved ones
beginning with All Souls Day on November 2nd.
Often overshadowed by the two days preceding it, Halloween (Oct.
31st) & All Saints Day (Nov 1st),
All Souls Day is a solemn celebration commemorating all of those who
have gone before us! Indeed, the Church encourages us during the
month of November to take time to pause, remember and pray for all
our loved ones.
the month is not limited to the many saints whose names are in the
calendar and are celebrated at an appropriate date with a feast day
and memory. It includes all the faithful departed who have gone
before us and are now in the presence of the Lord. The vast majority
of these are not canonised but are known to those with whom they
lived and loved. We all know many good people whose lives were
exemplary and a testament to all those around them. During the month
of November, we have all of these in mind as we remember with
confidence our saints.
people pay a visit to a cemetery with a flower or a night light. ‘It
is a holy and a wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may
be freed to
eternal life’.
In prayer we are in God’s presence and we believe we are in some
way in communion with our loved ones.
may wish of course to avoid talking about death, we don’t like
being reminded of our mortality. Woody Allen famously quipped, “I’m
not afraid of death; I just don’t want to be there when it
happens.” It strikes a chord because that is how many of us deal
with death. We joke about it while keeping our real thoughts and
fears to ourselves.
of our deceased relatives we got to say goodbye to, while others left
us before any goodbyes could be exchanged. By remembering our
deceased in prayer or by visiting their resting place is an attempt
at saying we haven’t forgotten them and that they will always be a
special part of our lives.
a custom too in Ireland to abstain from alcohol and or cigarettes
during the month of November. Fasting and sacrifice help us to focus
our mind on prayer. ‘I’ve given up alcohol. And, yes, it’s
tough!’ As we spend the month recalling the example of people of
faith who went before us, spare a thought for your future too. Would
life as a religious help you to be the saint that you are called to
all our loved ones who have died, rest in peace!
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Happy Halloween
are about to move from the month of October to November and there is
a sense of time slipping by very quickly. A reminder of that is in
the shops and at the entrance to our houses. They are awash with
ghoulish and macabre Halloween outfits and accessories. Grinning
skulls, skeleton costumes and fake tombstones can be purchased.
Witches’ broomsticks and wizards’ wands are accompanied by
various images and symbols marked with an RIP. It’s all
very different from the simple Halloween apples and nuts festivities
of my childhood. Rightly so, time moves on and social habits change.
The word Halloween has been corrupted with time. It's full title is ALL HALLOWS EVE, which means 'the evening before All Saints'. 'Hallow' is another word for holy or saint. We meet it in the common version of the Our Father.
The word Halloween has been corrupted with time. It's full title is ALL HALLOWS EVE, which means 'the evening before All Saints'. 'Hallow' is another word for holy or saint. We meet it in the common version of the Our Father.
has its origins in Celtic times associated with the ancient Gaelic festival of 'Samhain', which was a celebration of the end of the harvest season and take stock of supplies and prepare for the winter. It was at this time of the year a
celebration of the transition from light to darkness was ritualised.
Our Celtic ancestors also believed that the boundary between our
world and that of the dead was very thin; they believed the spirits
of the dead returned. The veil between this world and the next was at
its weakest, demons crossed over from the beyond and extracted their
revenge on those they felt scorned by, carrying you or yours back to
hell with them. People wore masks and costumes to mimic or appease the spirits. I wonder if the death-themes in our Halloween
celebrations are an attempt to recapture the spirit of the Feast of
All Souls, on November 2, when Christians remember and pray for their
deceased relatives!
may think Halloween is silly nonsense driven by commercialism and a
waste of money. In recent times, it is very much a children's feast with their custom of dressing up in various scary costumes and visiting the houses in the neighbourhood. At the door they shout 'Trick or Treat' - implying that they would play some trick on the people if they did not receive some treat from them. Children love it and always will. Halloween has a lot
to offer. It can put us in touch with the mystery of life and that
some things in life are often clouded in darkness. It puts us in
touch with the struggle between light and darkness and the struggle
between good and evil. Halloween may have pagan origins but it
embraces the Christian message too. It’s a simple Halloween message
that God calms, encourages and reassures us, especially when we
struggle with darkness, evil, mystery and the unknown. Enjoy a happy
and safe Halloween break!
Monday, October 24, 2016
October, Month of Mission.
year the focus is put on mission during the month of October. In the
past when we thought of mission we thought of the thousands of heroic
Irish women and men who went all over the world giving of their time
to work with people in spreading the Gospel. There are almost 1,200
Irish missionaries serving throughout the world. During the month of
October, we celebrate the work of our missionaries, remembering them
in our prayers and asking God's blessing on the good work that they
we have a wider sense of mission today. Pope Francis gives us the
theme for mission month, and for World Mission Sunday on 23 October,
when he says, ‘Every Christian is a missionary’. Today every
country is mission territory, every Christian, each one of us is
called to witness to the joy of the Gospel in our families, in the
factories and on the farm, in offices and schools and in the places
where we socialise. Being a missionary in this sense can be as simple
as an encouraging word, a smile, reaching out to a neighbour in need,
being with people who grieve, encouraging or being patient with the
young or the old. That is how the Gospel is spread. And for most of
us that ‘home mission’ is the difficult challenge we face
If you would like to be a missionary or wish to find out more about the Presentation Brothers, don't hesitate to email me;
Friday, October 21, 2016
Careers Fair!
I had two
wonderful days at the Vocations Ireland stand in Rochestown Park
Hotel recently. Vocations Ireland was one of many stands at the
Institute of Guidance Counsellors Careers Fair in Cork. Vocations
Ireland offer an information service to young adults who may be
exploring the different religious congregations, priesthood, single
life or married life. Vocations Ireland also offers programmes throughout
the year such as Samuel groups and ExploreAway. I invite you to visit
our website; www.
was a constant footfall to the
Vocations Ireland
stand throughout the two days. Young people collected
literature and engaged with us
their concerns about matters
relating to them in their lives.
Many of their questions were about the life of a Brother, Sister or Priest. Some
said they had thought about being a brother,
sister or priest
or would consider the possibility among their career options in
the future.
and not
shy in
expressing their views, they
challenged us
some had
very simple advice for anyone considering a
call to religious life.
you’re strong with your faith, go for it.”
The young people were respectful, very inquisitive and they were very aware of the
need of an increase in vocations at this time seeing what is
happening in their own schools and parishes. They are a credit to
their parents, teachers and schools. It was a very positive, interesting and
informative experience.
the two-day career fair, 5,500 pupils throughout the county and
further attended.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
An Autumn Psalm
O sacred season of
autumn, be my teacher, for I wish to learn the virtue of contentment.
As I gaze upon your
full-coloured beauty, I sense all about you an at-homeness with your
amber riches.
You are the season
of retirement, of full barns and harvested fields.
The cycle of growth
has ceased, and the busy work of giving life is now completed.
I sense in you no
regrets: you’ve lived a full life.
I live in a society
that is ever-restless, always eager for more mountains to climb,
seeking happiness through more and more possessions.
As a child of my
culture, I am seldom truly at peace with what I have.
Teach me to take
stock of what I have given and received; may I know that it’s
enough, that my striving can cease in the abundance of God’s grace.
May I know that like
you I am rich beyond measure.
As you, O Autumn,
take pleasure in your great bounty, let me also take delight in the
abundance of the simple things of life, which are the true source of
With the golden glow
of peaceful contentment may I truly appreciate this autumn day.
(E. Hays)
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
A World We All Must Share
is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Patron of Ecology. The
recent commitment by China and the US to sign the Paris agreement on
climate change is a positive sign but experts say it is too little
too late. Former bishop of Oxford John Pritchard in God
Lost and Found
suggests that our reluctance to face up to such problems has
spiritual consequences: “The danger is that as a global community
we may not be prepared to learn the lessons. The stuttering progress
made at Kyoto, Bali and Copenhagen [climate conferences] on reducing
our consumption of fossil fuels for the sake of the planet suggests
that nations are not yet prepared to ease back the throttle.
is true at a personal level appears to be echoed at the international
level. The voice of God is being drowned out by the greed in our
hearts and the seductive music of the shopping malls. And underneath
all the noise is the sad silent fact that Christian believers also
are sometimes losing touch with the sacred centre of their lives,
finding that a relationship with a credit card more instantly
rewarding than a personal relationship with God.”
bishop is telling us that while the threat to the environment is a
global problem and it can only be put right by individuals embracing
value systems that look beyond self and who are willing to accept
changes to lifestyle that will make things better. Our insatiable
demands for more and more from an exhausted planet that has no more
to give must go. “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in
it”—not ours.
Gordon Linney
(The Irish Times)
Gordon Linney
(The Irish Times)
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Becoming Spiritually Fit!
like to watch and follow sport. I played a lot of sport over the
years but I find myself more of an armchair follower these days.
Knowing what it takes, I admire the men and women who give us so much
enjoyment through their commitment and skill and the great discipline
they exercise in all they do. During the week ends of September for
instance, no one could deny the skills and fitness levels of our
women and men footballers. Both the women and their male counterparts
served up some wonderful games on reaching the final stages of their
respective sport. Big match days are an impressive spectacle but
there are the unseen hours of practice, training and perfection. Such
levels of skill, fitness, athleticism and discipline doesn’t just
happen; it requires great self-sacrifice, dedication and the
willpower to overcome obstacles along the way. Sport can teach us so
much about life.
for the best or leaving everything to the last minute is bound to let
us down at times. Even our spiritual journey can’t be left to
chance. Becoming spiritually fit mirrors to a degree the challenge of
becoming physically fit. Both take effort. Both processes are
demanding. Both are necessary. It’s impossible to get to know God
if we’re only asking for miracles. Getting through life needs
discipline and in particular doing the small things to the best of
our ability. It’s up to us to choose our attitude for any given
day. It’s up to us to keep the bigger picture always in focus. A
great discipline each day is to do what we can and to leave others to
worry about what they should be doing in their own lives.
you are discerning a vocation to religious life, I encourage you to
make sure you are getting spiritually fit with the Presentation
Brothers, please get in touch! I’m at
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Olympian offers her medal to God.
A medal-winning
athlete at this year’s Rio Olympic Games has gifted her bronze
medal to the shrine of St. Mary of Marija Bistrica in her native
Croatia in thanks for answered prayers ahead of the games.
Champion high-jumper
Blanka Vlasic has revealed that she nearly missed the 2016 games due
to complications from surgery to a leg injury and only travelled
after she prayed to God for the strength to compete. That trip, like
her subsequent qualifying jump, was made through the pain of her
“Not even a book
would be enough to explain why this is another miracle of God,” she
said of her first successful jump. “All glory to Jesus.”
Having qualified for
the final, Vlasic went on to scoop the bronze and immediately decided
on her course of action at the Marian shrine.
“All the medals
are God’s, but this one is especially his,” she said.
(Irish Catholic, September 22, 2016)
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Where Finbarr Taught, Let Munster Learn"
September 25 is the Feast of St. Finbarr or Fionnbharra in Irish,
very often abbreviated to Barra is patron Saint of the city and the
Diocese of Cork. It is thought he lived in the seventh century; he
was Bishop of Cork and Abbot of a monastery he built in the
picturesque and beautiful setting of Gougane Barra in West Cork.
holds that Finbarr was one of a community of monks who had a monastic
settlement near the place where the river Lee rises in Gougane Barra.
St. Finbarr’s oratory was built in the early 1900s on a small
island on a lake at Gougane on what has long been a place of
Finbarr knew that God was very much present in this sacred place,
particularly in the beauty of nature that is evident here all year
around. Against a backdrop of rugged hills, lakes, rivers and
streams, Finbarr found great peace. The Feast of St. Finbarr today
reminds us how important it is to appreciate nature and the beauty of
I visit this holy place, the lines from psalm 19 comes to mind. “The
heavens tell of your glory, O God, and the firmament proclaims your
handiwork. Day unto day pours forth the story and night unto night
reveals its knowledge”.
Finbarr is said to have made the journey to the mouth of the Lee
where it meets the sea and established a monastic school around which
grew what developed into the city of Cork. An annual pilgrimage day
at Gougane is held on the last Sunday of September.
Many people have taken the name Finbarr and there
are many name places especially in Cork associated with the Saint’s
name. The Church of Ireland Cathedral takes its name from Finbarr and
the motto of University College, Cork is, “Where Finbarr Taught,
Let Munster Learn” are just but a few.
is a day of pilgrimage and prayer in Gougane. We ask the blessings of St. Finbarr on
ourselves, our city, our families, our schools, our communities, and
those who need a special prayer today. May St. Finbarr continue to
guide and direct us each day!
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Miracles do Happen
most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen’
often think about the meaning of miracles. They make
me think about how God works in our lives. It seems like in the Old Testament and
during Jesus’ time on earth, there was a lot of very obvious,
direct divine intervention. Why don’t we see those kinds of
miracles happening today?
used to confine miracles to holy places only, like Lourdes, Knock and
Even in these places miracles seem to be infrequent and rare. But are
they? It all depends on what a miracle might mean. If we’re
expecting something spectacular and almost impossible then we are
going to be disappointed. But if we understand a miracle as God’s
intervention, no matter how small, then miracles are plentiful and
are to be found everywhere despite
an onslaught of negative news all around us. But we can miss it all
through apathy, worry, stress, busy lifestyles and other
distractions. These miracles are all around us, plentiful, endless
and there to be enjoyed and celebrated.
may be a baby’s chuckle, a child’s laugh, a mother’s love,
birds in flight, a blade of grass, a beautiful flower, birth of a
baby! Let these miracles do their work. Let these dime-a-dozen
miracles free us from our prisons of incredulity.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Music Ministry Together
of Vocations Ireland,
Margaret Cartwright and
Vocations Ireland together
with members of different Religious Congregations at
Music Ministry Together summer
school in
Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co
Ireland is an association of Vocation Directors of Catholic Religious
in Ireland. We
work to present religious life, apostolic, missionary and
contemplative, as a life choice which
is one way of following Christ and bringing deeper meaning and
purpose to life. For
further information, email;
morning prayer one
of the days and
input on Vocations on
different congregations.
a summer school for
young people and adult leaders with a love
for liturgical music and imbued
with a
desire to serve as ministers in their parishes, schools and
communities. The
theme of this year’s summer school was, “Make Your Home in Me.”
(John 15:4).
the five-day summer school the participants took part in various
sessions teaching
and learning
church music together, as well as participating in various forms
of liturgy. There were opportunities for sharing the Eucharist,
morning and evening prayer and taking part in Catechesis, along with
organised activities and entertainment.
The MMT summer school 2017 takes place during the first week of August in Cistercian College, Roscrea. It’s a great way of spending a few days of your holidays; I highly recommend it. Email; or see their website for more information.
The MMT summer school 2017 takes place during the first week of August in Cistercian College, Roscrea. It’s a great way of spending a few days of your holidays; I highly recommend it. Email; or see their website for more information.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
The Faith of our Olympians

having her Olympic hopes dashed, Irish boxer Katie Taylor proved this
week that her faith in God is unshakable. One of Ireland’s
most prominent hopefuls – she was a surprise casualty after her defeat
to Finland’s Mira Potkonen.
even obvious heartbreak in Rio di Janeiro couldn’t dampen Katie’s
devout Christian faith. "Sometimes the plans you have in your heart
aren’t God’s plans” an emotional Katie said in the aftermath of
the bout, trying to come to terms of her shock defeat.
is so great, it’s still a privilege and an honour to be here,”
she said, going on to say: I just have to thank everyone for their
support and prayers – I’m so humbled by that.”
on the outcome she was in a philosophical mood. It’s been a very
tough year. I’ve suffered a lot of losses this year, and it’s
very, very hard to take – the Olympics is a dream for me.
came in here prepared very well. I gave it my best shot; it just
didn’t happen,” she said. Katie is one of a growing number of
Olympians who have been vocal about their strong religious faith
during the Rio Olympics.
Usain Bolt, a practising Catholic who wears his faith on his sleeve,
became the first athlete to win three Olympic 100m titles by picking
up gold at the games. Usain embraced the Miraculous Medal he wears
around his neck as he powered to victory.
athlete Simone Biles, who keeps her Rosary beads in her bag at all
competitions has won the women’s all-round Olympic gold medal for
19-year-old gymnast revealed that she carried a white rosary in her
gym bag. “My mum, Nellie, got me a rosary at church...I don’t use
it to pray before a competition. I’ll pray normally to myself, but
it’s there just in case.”
(Irish Catholic - Thursday, August 18)
(Irish Catholic - Thursday, August 18)
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Life after the Leaving!
The Leaving Cert
results were issued during the week. The newspapers were full of the
tremendous achievements of those who received a string of A1s.
Congratulations on such wonderful achievements! But let’s keep a
perspective on things and not forget those who just did OK and are in
the majority.
The results came out
during the Olympic Games in Rio and I think the games in a way
reflect the consolation and desolation felt by some students – the
Usain Bolts, Michael Phelps, Annalise Murphys, the O’Donovan
brothers and others but what about the many who crashed out in the
first round or limped home mid-field?
The focus this week
should really be on the students who felt the sting of disappointment
when they received their results – and I imagine they were many.
I want to say to
you, things will be better and brighter; that life is more than the
Leaving Cert. Flashes of brilliance will come but not in the places
you expect them. Life is far more various than we can ever imagine.
Jesus said that
there are two roads we can follow. The first is wide and easy to
travel. It is downhill most of the way. It is the way of comfort and
ease, pleasure and self-seeking. Many are fooled and travel down this
road. But in the long run it leads them nowhere. They die in the
desert. The second road is narrow and difficult. It s uphill a lot of
the way. It is the way of struggle and sacrifice. Few take this road,
but they are the lucky ones. This road leads to the Promised Land.
I hope and pray that
you will all find joy, hope and fulfilment in whatever road God shows
you in your life.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Building Bigger Barns
is a lot of pressure these days to upgrade. Phone companies offer
special incentives if we upgrade to the latest smart phone, while
car-dealers are constantly trying to convince us to trade in our
older car for a brand new model!
it wasn’t long ago that all the talk was about buying a starter
home or getting on the property ladder. The idea is that we can
always go bigger and do better for ourselves. If we think about it,
most of us will admit we have more than we need to get by but there
is still a drive to acquire more “stuff”.
rich young man in Lk18:18-23 was busying himself with upgrading.
Faced with a lack of sufficient space to store all his crops and
goods, he decided to build bigger barns. Satisfied, he then sat back
to enjoy the finer things of life, to “eat, drink and have a good
Jesus offers a gentle reminder that, really, these are not the things
that matter. After all, we can’t take any of these treasures with
us. Our farmer friend had forgotten to focus on the more important
things in life – he had stored up riches on earth instead of
focusing on making himself “rich in the sight of God!.
treasures are important to me in my life?
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
That All may be One : Living in Radical Amazement.
There is no shortage
of wonderful books on the marvels of God’s creation, but Judy
Cannato blends the story of the universe into a very informative,
reflective, refreshing and challenging read. I quote briefly below from
chapter 12 of her book Radical Amazement.
new universe story invites us to expand our hearts to include all
creation. Indeed, connectedness is fundamental to our reality. No
matter what sphere of life we observe, from the physical to the
spiritual, we are connected to others. We cannot separate from this
truth, no matter how hard we may want to try. Albert Einstein called
the notion of separation an “optical delusion”, yet for several
centuries we have lived deluded, and at a great price. So Many of the
social and ecological problems that confront us today stem from our
delusion that we are separate from, better or more significant than,
other members of creation – from other groups of people we
encounter to the air we breathe. Our lack of openness to all may very
well mean our demise.
we are to expand our hearts to include all creation, we need to
embrace our capacity for communion. Relationship is something that
all life requires, even organic life. Our vitality depends upon the
connections we establish and the communion we share. Of course we are
made for agency, of course we are asked to develop our gifts and use
then well. But our gifts, as life-giving as their expression can be
for us, are foremost for others. This means we must reject a
perception of separateness and exclusivity that keep others at bay.
And it means we reject any temptation that keeps us from
self-communion, from tending to the Holy that dwells within. What
nourishes any of us, more that bread itself, is a relationship in
which we discover simultaneously who we are as we discover who the
other is. Communion that honours the other, that reverences the Holy
One in the other and in the self-this is what we embrace.
Connectedness is primary. Communion is essential.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Youth 2000 Summer Festival Retreat
Following on from my
visit to Youth 2000 retreat in Killarney in April, I looked forward
to the Summer Festival at Cistercian College, Roscrea which took
place last week end. I joined the Presentation Brothers’ Youth
Ministry Team: Silvia and John together with Brothers Stan, Douglas,
Theiva and Barry.
In excess of 1,000 young adults gathered to celebrate and deepen their faith in a safe and supportive environment. One youthful adult attending for the first time said to me he thought it would be all old people in attendance but he was shocked to see so many young people and that was very reassuring. It was he said like being part of one big family, the family of God where he felt a sense of belonging, united around Christ through adoration and the Eucharist.
The theme of the
festival was, “Receive my mercy...inherit my kingdom”. Thursday
was Gathering Day, Friday was Mercy Day, Saturday was Mary’s Day
and Sunday was Mission Day. It was great to catch up again with
friends and make more new friends in Roscrea.
It was a festival
full of variety. It included adoration, inspiring talks, music,
prayer, drama, share groups, testimonies, workshops, reconciliation
and healing service and Mass. It was a packed programme but there was
also time for chatting, relaxing, field games and generally chilling
out. I experienced a lovely sense of joy and camaraderie throughout
the four days. It was a gathering of friends that cut across, age,
ethnicity, background, culture and personality.
A number of
excellent workshops were offered on Friday and Saturday afternoon. I
would have loved to sample all the workshops but four was as many as
one could attend over the two afternoons. There was a workshop on
‘Dodgy Stuff’ (New Age Movements) and the cost of discipleship.
Other workshops included exploring love and relationships, faith in
media (spirit radio), pro-life, lectio divina, discovering your
vocation, pure in heart, a tour of the Monastery and others.
There were faith
groups with display stands in the assembly hall offering information
to interested seekers. Personnel were present at display stands to distribute
literature or answer questions was Vocations Ireland, Shalom T.V.
Legion of Mary, NET Ministries, Pro Life, Newman College (Derry),
Cana, Mary’s Meals and many others.
For many people to
whom I spoke, the healing service was a lovely experience for them
followed by reconciliation. Bishop Phonsie Cullinane, Waterford and
Lismore Diocese led the Mass on Friday while Archbishop Charles
Brown, Papal Nuncio was the main celebrant at the Saturday Mass. Both
encouraged the youth to be strong in standing up for their faith and
to use the festival to overcome any fear they may encounter beyond
the festival. A number of those who attended will represent Youth
2000 at World Youth Day in Poland at the of the month.
I acknowledge the
weeks of preparation and hard work by Lana Wilson, National Director
and her team of dedicated volunteers at national level. Well done
to all concerned! Youth 2000 continues to grow in strength throughout
Ireland. In the words of Lana, it is about, ‘Youth leading youth to
the heart of the Church’and I know many are looking forward to the
next Youth 2000 event.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Movies with Meaning: “The Bucket List”
I saw a good film, “The Bucket List” in the company of young adults. Two old codgers Edward
(Jack Nicholson) and Carter (Morgan Freeman) end up in hospital
because of a terminal illness. They share the same hospital room
together and they become good friends. After making a “bucket list”
(list of things to do before they ‘kick the bucket’), they set
out together on a worldwide adventure, completing the items on the
list—and adding more—as they go along.
are many engaging twists and relevant messages in the film. At one
point Edward arranges a prostitute for Carter, who refuses and in the
process finds a renewed love for his wife. Edward also shares
personal experiences from his own life: He’s been married three
times, and has a daughter, from whom he’s estranged. Carter
understands that Edward longs for his family, and arranges a meeting
at his daughter’s home. Edward was furious, and responded by saying
that he doesn’t need anybody. When Carter passes away, a letter he
left moves Edward to reconcile with his daughter, giving him an
opportunity to be with the cutest girl in the world—his
one of their journeys, Carter asks Edward some questions about life.
Have you found joy in your life?” “Has your life brought joy to
others?” Edward says he envies people who have faith but he never
could get his head around it. Faith doesn’t make sense to him. Does
it make sense for you? In the end of their lives, they realise what
is really important. Why do we never know what we have got until it’s
gone? This film reminds us to cherish our lives at every moment and
treasure our families and friends. I often wondered if I had six
months to live, what would be my response?
recall a line from the film: Upon death, God asks a question: “Were
you ever happy?” The answer determines whether or not you’ll be
allowed into heaven. This makes an important point: The purpose of
life is happiness, even to the last moments. It doesn’t matter how
much money you make; what matters is whether or not you’re happy in
the process of making it. At the end of the day, the goal of making
money should be to increase your own happiness, not accumulating
wealth just for the sake of becoming wealthy.
Having watched the film a lively discussion ensued. It
is a film that raised many questions for me. It is well worth
watching especially for anyone discerning their future
direction in life. We can also call the ‘bucket list’ a ‘list
of dreams’. ‘Bucket list’ emphasizes passing away, while ‘list
of dreams’ sounds more life-centered. We should make a list of
dreams—at the very least this will give us goals to strive towards
in our youth, giving us fuller and happier lives. So, what’s first
on your list?
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Rise From Your Knees
the pilgrimage to Lough Derg last year with Andrew O ‘Connell, John
Quinn, evangelisation officer extended the invitation again this
year to the Presentation Family. I was apprehensive doing the journey
again twelve months to the day since my previous visit to this sacred
place. I remembered sleep deprivation and hunger, not to mention sore
feet and sore knees! But I blocked all that from my mind as our
Presentation Family of nineteen souls made the short journey from the
mainland north of the town of Pettigo across to Station Island.
It was a privilege to be part of a lovely, supportive group of people; we became companions on a journey to one another, looking out for each other, ready to offer a word of encouragement and show a smile when needed. A great camaraderie developed between everyone in our group. I suppose we all realised we were in the same boat. While I found it very challenging at times, other pilgrims pulled me through. Everyone was so friendly and it was nice to hear their stories, where they came from and why they came.
something with others brings us closer together and creates a bond of
support. Pope Francis in a text said that the Christian Life is never
falling down but always getting up again. Thanks to the hand of God
which catches us again. Maybe this has been the experience of this
group of pilgrims who over the three days bonded with each other
supporting one another when the time of need arose...helping each
other as we journeyed together.
live in an age where ultimate challenges are becoming more a way of
life for many, we see people accomplishing amazing, daring and
physically challenging things. Pushing the boundaries of our physical
and mental strength and rising to the challenge is part of an inner
search to take ourselves to a deeper place
three day challenge this group of passionate pilgrims set themselves
was not too dissimilar and it was, as one pilgrim put it, “harder
to put into words why I am doing it than it was to have done it!”
Another said, “It was just something I wanted to do” and another again said, “I keep hearing the call to return.”
While I was one of a group, I was also one of 120 other pilgrims that came on to the island for the week end. There was a great variety of ages too from young adults to those in their eighties. As a participant on the pilgrimage, I found there is an equality about it–there are no three-star or five-star pilgrims; just barefoot people on a journey together.
made a brief visit to the island’s small museum. There was a
medieval map of Europe and it displayed Lough Derg as the only Irish
site identified. It was a place of retreat for those from across the
known world through the centuries. Writers such as Heaney, Kavanagh
and Alice Taylor among others tried to capture the magic of the
our return back to the mainland, tired and hungry, I forgot the
hardships and enjoyed a sense of fulfilment and achievement on
completing a challenging pilgrimage. There was one last rendition of
Hail Glorious Saint Patrick led by Fr. Owen Mc Eneaney, Prior, before
we left the island. We were reluctant to break up such was the
friendship that brought us together during the three days. There was
an opportunity for some last minute photos and say our ‘good-byes’.
A question asked, would this be an annual event? The response was a
unanimous ‘yes’ and...invite a friend.
is an experience of real humility where the material world takes a
back seat. It is an opportunity to reflect more deeply on life and
come close to God.
World Youth Day comes to Cork
you aware this year Pope Francis has invited young people of the
world to meet him in Krakow, Poland, in July for the 14th
World Youth Day?
However, we know
that many young people are not able to attend this gathering so the
Diocese of Cork & Ross together with Vocations Ireland is hosting
a Vigil & Mass to coincide with the Vigil in Krakow for our young
people at home. It will take place
on Saturday 30th
from 8pm to midnight.
evening will include music, inspiring talks, prayer, food,
confession, adoration, discussion groups and live links to Krakow
throughout the evening. The event will conclude with concelebrated
at 11.00pm which is open
to all who would like to join us.
This event will take place in Saint Columba’s Church and Parish
Centre in Douglas.
We encourage you to invite young people whom you know are in your
parish. A personal invitation is often the most effective way of
encouraging one another to attend such a gathering.
is open to young adults 18 – 40 and young people 16 – 18
accompanied by parish group leaders. A
contribution of 10 euros per participant is asked and registration is
essential – details and registration forms available from the
Pastoral Development Office telephone 0214537601.
We are conscious that the event is coming in the middle of the summer
holidays but we hope you will support it and encourage young
people to attend.
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