Taking tips from the Dominicans! With Fr John Harris (left) and Fr Brian McEvitt (right).
The blog of the Vocations Director of the Anglo Irish Province of the Presentation Brothers.
Taking tips from the Dominicans! With Fr John Harris (left) and Fr Brian McEvitt (right).
As a vocations director, it's important for me to keep up to speed on any new research which helps me to understand the culture and society better. Recently, The Iona Institute for Religion and Society organised a public talk called "Why religion will make a comeback" here in Dublin. The speaker was Dr Eric Kaufmann, lecturer in politics and sociology at Birkbeck College, University of London.
Popular wisdom proposes that the West will become more secular and liberal in the years ahead and that religion will be driven to extinction. However, his findings show that religion is far more robust than many secular thinkers ever predicted. The fact that religious believers have higher birth rates indicate that they will have a strong influence on the composition of Western populations in the decades ahead.
Dr Kaufmann is the author of the book, "Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?"
I bought a copy on the night. That was the easy part. Trying to find the time to read it is proving more difficult!