The month of November is that time of the year when we call to mind in prayer our beloved dead. It's also a time when we remember the example of the saints. We are all called to be saints. That's an exciting challenge!
It's a custom in Ireland to abstain from alcohol and/or cigarettes during the month of November also. Fasting and sacrifice help us to focus our mind on prayer. I've given up cigarettes. And, yes, it's tough!
As we spend this month recalling the example of people of faith who went before us, spare a thought for your future too.
Would life as a religious help you to be the saint that you are called to be?
Don't forget that we have a vocations weekend in Dublin on Saturday and Sunday, 27th and 28th November 2010. For more information, send me an e-mail prescall@eircom.net or visit www.PresentationBrothers.org
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