Sunday, March 26, 2017

Every Day is Mother’s Day

Who was there when you were born – to wrap you up and keep you warm,
To stroke your cheek and change your nappy – to bring you home and make you happy?
Who was there to wipe your nose – to sing you songs and tickle your toes,
To make you polish your shoes – to wipe your tears or mend a fuse?
Who was there to open the door to tidy your room and wash the floor?
Who was there to comb your hair and mend your clothes and give you a chair?
Who was there to open the door to welcome you home from school at four?
Who was there to share your joys, who was there to mend your toys?
Who was there to make you warm when you were caught in a terrible storm?
Who pushed the swing – who loaned you a penny when you had none?
Who sang you to sleep, who played hide and seek?
Who taught you to talk and helped you to walk?
Who came to your aid in the midst of a crises?
Who saw you grow, offered advice or sat by the fire when you went out at night
Who saw you get married and leave home for good – to make a new start like everyone should?
Who saw your first-born and felt terribly happy! To know they would have the pleasure of changing a nappy.
God gave us a mother right down through the ages – so she deserves mention in life’s book of pages.
(Bridget Kerrigan; Isle of Man)

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